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Updated Occupations in Demand/Decline

On July 23rd, 2019, a few community leaders gathered to discuss the occupations that were in demand or decline for Program Year 2019.

To recap a bit of the process, every year, a list is sent out to ensure that Washington state’s demand/decline list is accurately reflected for each local area.

This list is:

- Used by schools, training centers, businesses and employment centers.

- Used to determine eligibility for a variety of training and support programs.

- Consisted of occupations that have 50 or more job openings within a designated geographical area.

See below for July 23rd's meeting minutes:


Benton-Franklin Workforce Development Council

Occupations in Demand Review Committee

July 23, 2019 at 1:00 p.m.

WorkSource Room #9


Dennis Williamson, Adolfo de León, Asja Suljic,

Tiffany Scott, Sonee Kulaga, Becky Smith,

Adriana Lozano, Todd Samuel, Katé Lyons-Holestine

Sonee introduced herself and called the meeting to order.

She went through the OID methodology that was provided in the packet. The SOC Classification codes were also provided. She took a moment to walk through the SOC Code Groups and how to read the documents. She shared that she took time to reach out to industry leaders in each of these groups to verify the need to be in demand or not. These are to support WIOA programs, jobs and educational training.

Tiffany shared that if something is not in demand then the employment practitioner is not going to enourage their clients to go in this direction. This list is also used by community colleges, training providers, DSHS, DVR, etc.

The group took time to go through each of the SOC Code Groups to look at those that need to be reviewed and changed or not. Indicated in red was the group's updated designation for the SOC Group code.

To see an updated list please visit the Occupations in Demand/Decline list below, and filter Location to Benton-Franklin WDA.

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