Promoting a prosperous community by providing a progressive workforce system

What is the
One-Stop System?
The One-Stop Career Development System consolidates access to a wide variety of employment and training services and provides "One-Stop shopping" for both job seekers and employers.
WIOA Core and Required Partners
WIOA Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth
WIOA Title II Adult Education and Literacy Programs
WIOA Title III Wagner Peyser
WIOA Title IV Rehabilitation Acts Programs
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Older American Act Programs
Job Corps
Youth Build
Perkins Post-Secondary Vocational Education Activities
Trade Adjustment Assistance and NAFTA-TAA Programs
Veterans Employment and Training
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) ETA
Unemployment Compensation Programs
Second Chance Act Programs
Community Service Block Grant ETA
Indian and Native American Programs
Small Business Administration ETA
National Farmworkers Jobs
Who is the
One-Stop Operator?
The One-Stop Operator (OSO) is the Benton Franklin Workforce Consortium. It is made up of representatives from each of the four WIOA Titles.
Title I - Career Path Services, Andy Dwonch
Title II - Columbia Basin College, Keri Lobdell
Title III - Employment Security Department, John Dickson
Title IV - Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Jessica Rusch