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BFWDC Seeking IT Provider

The BFWDC has issued a Request for Information (RFI) in search for an IT Provider. Requests will be used to obtain proposals from qualified IT managed service providers. This information will allow Benton Franklin Workforce Development Council (BFWDC) to review proposals and enter negotiations with the vendor whose proposal is most advantageous to BFWDC with price and other factors considered.

All responses must be submitted electronically to admin@bf-wdc.organd be received by 08/25/2022, 6 p.m. PST

  • Location – 815 N Kellogg Street, Suite C, Kennewick, WA 99336

  • Users – 9 employees

  • Devices – HP laptops; Printers – one network, individual personal printers

  • Servers and Network – One onsite server (installed 03/2022); VPN used by 8 employees

  • Applications –Microsoft 365 Business Suite, Adobe Acrobat 2020, Abila Fund Accounting

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